Seminarium Zakładu UltradĽwięków

Rigorous theory of diffraction for studying magneto-optical devices: near-field and far-field applications; Monday, 8 March, 13:15, room 104, IPPT PAN

dr Yves Pagani, Laboratoire d'Optique P. M. Duffieux UMR--CNRS 6603 16, route de Gray 25000 Besancon, France

poniedziałek, 8 marca 2004, godz. 10:15, sala S-5

Under the application of an external magnetic field, some materials become anisotropic: this is the magneto-optical effect. This kind of materials cover vast domains both in theory and in applied physics. In the other hand, optical near-field microscopy belongs to the new kind of local field microscopy which allows high resolution, below the Rayleigh's criterion. Nevertheless, it is well known that, in general, experimental optical near-field images do not look like the objects and for understanding and interpreting experimental results, theoretical studies must be done. But, it is an hard task, since at this scale, we must take into account the vectorial proprieties of the light: we must solve the Maxwell's equations. The Coupled-Wave Method (CWM) is a widely used method in gratings theory. Its extension to anisotropic media will be addressed. It will be shown that for dealing with high metallic anisotropic or/and isotropic gratings, special cautions must be care. Applications of this method will concern the Scanning-Tunneling-Optical-Microscope (STOM) and far-field diffraction hysteresis loop in magneto-optical grating.