Laboratory of Dynamics and Stability of Machines and Vehicles Laboratory of Dynamics and Stability of Machines and Vehicles

Seminars uzupelnianie wykazu publikacji

Research fields:

- dynamics of continuous and discrete-continuous systems under moving loads;
- dynamical stability of structures;
- analysis of self-excited vibration caused by friction;
- numerical simulation of the deformation in manufacturing processes;
- analysis and active controll of transient and steady-state vibration.

Since 2002:

Division of Rolling Contact Dynamics


Division of Vehicles and Active Constructions

Czeslaw Bajer (head) - numerical modeling in structural dynamics   Roman Bogacz (head) - stability and dynamics of mechanical systems
Wlodek Abramowicz - theory of plastic shells, crashworthiness of vehicles   Szymon Imielowski - dynamics and stability of discrete-continuous systems
Stefan Kotowski - nonholonomic and variable structure systems, genetic algorithms   Boguslaw Ryczek - dynamics of vehicles, self-excitation caused by friction, active damping, experimental tests
Zofia Kowalska - impacts in multibody systems, manipulators, parameter identification   Zdzislaw Swiderski - railway systems
Andrzej Ossowski - control theory, stability analysis, genetic algorithms   Tomasz Szolc - active control, moving loads